How to get started on Briefly

Welcome to the Briefly community! Briefly helps you focus on the content that is most likely to reward your attention by pooling together highlights and comments on content from people that share your interests.

Here’s how you get started…

  • Step one: Go to ANCHORS and follow topics that interest you. Also, feel free to search for anchors if you don’t see them on the list (we’ve got lots!)
  • Step two: Go back to the homepage feed and find interesting content. Once you see something to read, click GET ARTICLE FOR HIGHLIGHTING and you’ll be taken to the full article.
  • Step three: Want to summarize the article for other users, or point something out that’s important? Then click on sentences to highlight them! But don’t stop there, feel free to give the community your thoughts by commenting too.
  • Step four: Are you on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn? Go ahead and share your highlights and comments.

We’ve got a few more bells and whistles of course, but this will get you started.

Enjoy and let us know if you have any questions or feedback!